Suggestions from a Noteful User

Hey, I am a university student and love the look of your product, however it seems it’s missing a few options that would make me switch. I’m an engineering student and have to draw diagrams all the time.

  • The ability to hold to snap the shape/line, then be able to revolve and resize.
  • Dashed lines
  • Lasso tool to grab an item or group and resize.

I use these all the time and unfortunately have to stick with Noteful for right now as this product doesn’t have the tools needed for me.

I will say that my SO will probably use your product as she has a different use case.


Thanks for the suggestions! You can currently hold down three fingers to snap the last line/shape but not manipulate it yet.

If it can become the last pause, and the tip of the pen does not leave the screen, it will become a “straight line”, “wavy line” and “arrow” and it will be perfect.