New user - need lasso tool help

Just downloaded Penbook. The lasso tool seems a bit glitchy with allowing me to copy and paste - I found some instructions about how to use it on the Penbook support page, but 9 times out of 10 it’s not actually pasting when I copy something - either using the copy button on the toolbar or picking copy from the context menu. Am I doing something wrong?

Another question - am I supposed to be able to re-size something I’ve selected with the lasso tool? Or can I just move the selection around and not rotate or change the size?

Thanks for any thoughts from experienced users!

Sounds like there might be a bug in the copy/paste function. Are you able to narrow down anything about when it does and doesn’t work? (ie it works on the same page, but not across pages, or across books…)

Another question - am I supposed to be able to re-size something I’ve selected with the lasso tool? Or can I just move the selection around and not rotate or change the size?

Sorry, for now you can’t resize or rotate selections. It’s on our list :slight_smile:

Same issues here. iPad OS 17. Copy and paste do not work at all for me. Not between pages, not within a page. Naturally I can’t tell which operation is broken. Maybe either, maybe both.

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Thanks for reporting this. If you have a moment, could you please try this?

  1. In Apple Notes, create a Pencil drawing.
  2. Select some of the drawing’s ink, and copy and paste it. (It should almost definitely work.)
  3. In Penbook, attempt to paste.

Penbook uses the same ink format as Apple Notes, so this operation should work. If it doesn’t, we know for certain that Paste in Penbook isn’t working properly on your device.

(You can try going the opposite route – copying ink in Penbook, pasting in Apple Notes – to test Copy.)

Okay, here are some steps to duplicate this behavior:

  1. Force quit Penbook
  2. Copy text to the pasteboard in another app
  3. Launch Penbook
  4. Enter a notebook without invoking an Edit Menu
    • I have to tap gingerly near the edge of the page preview to do this
    • (I only linked “Edit Menu” to show I was using official terminology, not because I think you don’t know what one is :sweat_smile:)
  5. Lasso some ink
  6. The Copy and Paste toolbar buttons will not work
  7. Invoke an Edit Menu. You don’t even have to choose an option, you can immediately dismiss it
  8. The Copy and Paste toolbar buttons now work fine.

Thank you, that helps a lot!

As far as I can tell, paste is working, but copy is not. Copy does work when content in the scratchpad is selected. (I’m on iPadOS 17.1.2.)

Can you get in touch with us through Get Support link in Account tab? I can’t reproduce this and would love to make sure it can be fixed.