Hello again
I’ve just imported a (pretty sizeable at 77 pages) PDF into a brand new notebook. I can’t use the “first page as cover” option, and when looking at the page selector, not all the pages show up in the toolbar. Is it just the size of the file do you think? It is also very slow to navigate and I seem to have to swipe twice to turn a page. None of this is intended a criticism - just keen to help make this app the best it can be, as I love it so much! I have tried to attach a screenshot to show what I mean, but not sure if I’ve done it correctly!
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Thanks a lot for the bug report. I was able to see the same problem with that PDF - it’s not too big, I think what’s happening is that Penbook is struggling to create previews for each page in the PDF, because it’s trying to do all of them at once. As an annoying workaround, you can go through the book making a tiny mark on each page (this will trigger a single preview render), but we’re looking into a proper fix.
You guys are brilliant. Thank you