Adding PDFs to existing notebooks

Hi! I was playing around with importing a PDF to an existing notebook. What size do you suggest I use when I create a PDF document specifically to import?
What is the difference between the 2 options when importing?
Thanks so much!


Thanks for testing the beta!

What is the difference between the 2 options when importing?

Add PDF pages: Adds each page of the imported PDF as an image into your notebook.

If you import a 10-page PDF, the first page will be pasted into your current page, and the second through tenth PDF pages will be added to new notebook pages.

You can then move the PDF pages around your notebook page with the Tweezers tool.

Insert PDF as template: This replaces your current page’s stationery with the PDF you select. It also resizes the page to perfectly fit the imported PDF.

What size do you suggest I use when I create a PDF document specifically to import?

If you’re asking because you’re trying to create your own stationery (Are you? Very cool if so!), I think there are two options:

  1. You could try to size your ‘paper’ perfectly to your device. The easiest way to get the correct size is to export a page from an existing notebook and copy its dimensions.
  2. You could use a standard ratio (A4, Letter, etc.) – this might help with printability, or interoperability with other Penbook-like apps.

I personally prefer option 1, I like it when the ‘paper’ perfectly fits the device :slight_smile:

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Okay! I will try the first option.
I am an art teacher and I am making templates for lesson prep, daily notes, and class notes.

Thanks for the explanation of the PDFs. I’d like to find the right size so there are no gray bars at the top or bottom of the page. I have an iPad Pro 11 inch. It seems if my size is too big it wiggles around when I’m on the page. As if it is zoomed a little and off the screen a bit. I will play with it tomorrow.

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