App crashes when import PDF

I imported a PDF for my class and it either crashes the app or the page sizes will change, making my annotations appear in wonky places.

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Thanks for the bug report. This sounds frustrating, sorry our app is doing this.

Could you please take these steps?

  1. Run Penbook
  2. Tap :bust_in_silhouette:Account
  3. Tap “Get Support”

A draft email will appear. This contains logs we can use to look into this deeper.

Please mention this forum post so I know what it’s about. If you’re comfortable with doing so, in either that draft email or another separate one, send in the PDF that Penbook isn’t handling properly. (The PDF will be kept confidential and only used for your support request.)

We’ll use this info and your PDF to try to reproduce the issue on our end - if we can do that, we can probably fix the bug :slight_smile: