About the availability of Fonts

Was wondering what fonts are available and how do I access them… I’m new to penbook
Thanks :pray:

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Hi Cryztal, Penbook lets you use some of the system fonts that come with your iPad:

  • American Typewriter
  • Baskerville
  • Georgia
  • Helvetica Neue
  • Hoefler Text
  • Marker Felt
  • Optima
  • Palatino
  • Snell Roundhand

The Penbook user guide, page 14, has some screenshots showing how to add typed text via our Text Notes feature - let me know if that doesn’t make it clear though.

Thank you… I’m used to having 2500+ fonts when I was using a desktop.
Apple is stingy with its fonts… I was concerned about having to use my finger to write atrociously and then I remembered I have an Apple Pencil I have never used…

I’m just getting a feel for your program at the moment…
I’m in Australia, but my son lives on Vancouver Island in Courtenay… I have been to your beautiful city a few times now… it’s where I saw my first squirrel and I’m in love with them

Thanks for the reply :slightly_smiling_face: